Injection Moulds

The manufacturing of high-end moulds

ART-Group is one of Europe's leading toolmakers for the engineering, manufacturing and validation of high-end injection moulds, spares, and related technology with a dedication to the final ultimate process. The ART-Group is providing total solutions by having advanced knowledge of processing injections moulds, stamping dies and if a turn-key solution is required, also production. All at one location.

ART provides reliable covering and dedicated project management for all its projects.

We would be happy to inform you about all the options.

Contact us

We offer:

  • Product and process development
  • Project Management
  • Engineering and manufacturing of:
    - Prototype moulds
    - Multi-cavity moulds
    - Reel to Reel hybrid moulds
    - Hybrid moulds
    - Spares
  • Process qualification
  • Start-up and series production
  • Mould maintenance / overhaul
Product Product
Tooling Tooling
Product Tooling
Tooling Product
photographs by Nick Luypen